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Public Notices

Notice is hereby given the regular meeting of the Cass County Board of Commissioners/Equalization will be held Tuesday, March 25 at 8:00am in Room 101 of the Cass County Courthouse, the meeting is open to the public. Agendas and meeting documents are kept continuously current and will be available to the public by contacting the Cass County Clerk by phone at 402-296-9300 or 

Gerri Draper
County Clerk


Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held March 25, 2025, at 8:15am in room 101 of the Cass County Courthouse, 346 Main Street, Plattsmouth NE for the purpose of this hearing is considering applications received for the Cass County Assessor's position, interviews will be held in open session.

Agendas and meeting documents are kept continuously current and will be available to the public by contacting the Cass County Clerk by phone at 402-296-9300 or 

Gerri Draper
Cass County Clerk


Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held March 25, 2025, at 8:15am in room 101 of the Cass County Courthouse, 346 Main Street, Plattsmouth NE for the purpose of this hearing is receiving public input on Odor Complaint regarding Black Elk Farms Parcel #(s) 130102555 & 130102938

Agendas and meeting documents are kept continuously current and will be available to the public by contacting the Cass County Clerk by phone at 402-296-9300 or 

Gerri Draper
Cass County Clerk


The audit of Cass County Nebraska for year ending June 30, 2022 has been completed and is on file for public inspection during normal business hours at the office of the Cass County Clerk, 346 Main Street, Plattsmouth NE 68048. 

Gerri Draper
Cass County Clerk