County Projects
Q & A -- Managed Services
- How many physical hosts are running VMware and how many VM's are on each host? -- 2 physical hosts, one has 6 vm's, the second has 3 vm's
- How much total storage is used by all servers (both physical and virtual)? -- 69.32TB total
- What is the current firewall make/manufacture? -- On premise at Courthouse-LEC are dual SonicWalls, outlying locations utilize Windstream cloud solution
- Are the 9 router/gateway sites connected back to the courthouse via VPN? What is the router make/manufacture? -- Connectivity from 4 outlying locations are connected via Windstream SD-WAN using VELO solution back to the Courthouse-LEC location. Other locations have 'independent' Windstream modem / DSL connections or other connected vendor source
Q & A -- Fiber WAN