Board of Commissioners
The primary responsibilities of the County Board of Commissioners are: the management of county funds; care for county property; adoption of the county budget; setting of tax levies and salaries of elected and appointed county officials; administration of several programs established by state law.
Here is some basic information regarding the Cass County Commissioners:
Map of Commissioners Districts
1. Where are the Cass County Board of Commissioners Meetings held?
The Cass County Commissioners meetings are held in the Cass County Courthouse - Room 101, Plattsmouth NE 68048.
2. How many Commissioners are on the Cass County Board?
Cass County has five Commissioners, with each one representing a different district in the County.
3. How long does each Cass County Commissioner serve?
County Commissioners serve four-year terms.
4. Are Cass County Commissioners elected or appointed?
County Commissioners are elected. When a Commissioner is unable to complete his or her term, a committee made up of the County Attorney, County Clerk, and County Treasurer appoints a successor for the remainder of the term.
5. How often do the County Commissioners meet?
The Cass County Commissioners meet at the Cass County Courthouse room 101 on every other Tuesday of each month at 8:00 a.m.
6. Are the County Board meetings televised on the local access channel?
No, however, the minutes of every meeting are available at the Office of the Cass County Clerk and are posted on the County Website.
7. Can the public attend County Board meetings?
8. How can I find out what is on the agenda for a commissioner meeting?
This WEBSITE or call the County Clerk at 402-296-9304 for agenda and minutes of previous meetings.
Terry Dasher - District 1
Taylor Boyle - District 2
Alexander DeGarmo - District 3
Daniel Stohlman - District 4
Duane Murdoch - District 5